Chairman Solmes called the regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission to order at the Road Commission’s Board Room at 7:30 A.M.
Members present: Solmes, Fiala, James, and Managing Director Jake Welch.
The agenda for August 7, 2024 was approved.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve the following consent items:
- Minutes of Previous Board Meeting – July 2, 2024
- Payroll
- Bills
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
7/3/24 Barry County Road Commission Payroll $183,611.48
7/18/24 Barry County Road Commission Payroll $177,642.10
7/31/24 Barry County Road Commission Payroll $179,777.31
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46358 | Barbara Sue Hanneman | $400.00 |
46359 | Barry County | $1,173.53 |
46360 | Bert Keeler | $380.00 |
46361 | Black Gold Holdings LLC | $47,116.65 |
46362 | Brandy Casey | $80.00 |
46363 | Brian Donnini | $406.96 |
46364 | Bronson HelpNet | $283.50 |
46365 | C Stoddard & Sons Inc. | $100.00 |
46369 | Capital One Bank | $36,433.38 |
46370 | Catherine Slocum | $276.28 |
46371 | Charles Benedict | $552.54 |
46372 | Chris BeBeau | $80.00 |
46373 | City Of Hastings | $826.94 |
46374 | Culligan Water Conditioning | $117.25 |
46375 | D & B Heat Transfer Products | $1,745.00 |
46376 | D & K Truck Company | $951.21 |
46377 | David Liddell | $184.52 |
46378 | Doug Rodd | $314.89 |
46379 | Dylan Kennedy | $80.00 |
46380 | Fleis & Vandenbrink | $6,000.00 |
46381 | Foster Swift Collins & Smith | $240.50 |
46382 | Frontline Maintenance & Serv. | $52,695.50 |
46383 | Gary Vandecar | $604.71 |
46384 | H.S.V. Redi-Mix | $3,572.89 |
46385 | Hall’s Septic | $380.00 |
46386 | Hastings Ace Hardware | $352.64 |
46387 | Hastings Reminder | $116.10 |
46388 | Jake Welch | $80.00 |
46389 | Kendall Pranshka | $276.28 |
46390 | Kimball Midwest | $1,051.47 |
46391 | Lakeland Asphalt Corp | $73,232.00 |
46392 | Larry Maupin | $552.54 |
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46393 | Leaping Lizards | $360.00 |
46394 | Lincoln National Life Ins | $97.91 |
46395 | LJ Fluid Power Inc | $32.00 |
46396 | Mark Weeks | $340.00 |
46397 | MCRCSIP | $70.00 |
46398 | Michigan Chloride Sales LLC | $48,167.64 |
46399 | Patricia Wolf | $276.28 |
46400 | Priority Health | $19,425.01 |
46401 | Purity Cylinder Gases Inc | $808.44 |
46402 | Quadient Finance USA Inc | $81.27 |
46403 | Richard J McNerny | $550.00 |
46404 | Ridderman Oil | $24,190.00 |
46405 | Rob Garrett | $116.56 |
46406 | Robert Nagel | $276.28 |
46407 | S & M Liquid Tirefill Inc | $31,393.61 |
46408 | Scott Bond | $555.70 |
46409 | Scott Schantz Jr. | $80.00 |
46410 | Tele-Rad, Inc. | $2,820.00 |
46411 | Todd Wenzel Buick GMC | $250,925.00 |
46412 | Tom Boulter | $448.33 |
46413 | Tom Chaffee | $24.33 |
46414 | UniFirst Corporation | $560.00 |
46415 | Unum | $472.50 |
46416 | Varipro Benefit Administrators | $251.95 |
46417 | Verizon | $1,180.30 |
46418 | Wayne Roush | $276.28 |
Sub-Total | $614,436.67 | |
7/18/2024 | ||
46419 | Barbara Sue Hanneman | $200.00 |
46420 | Ben Byle | $166.89 |
46421 | Bit Mat Products of Indiana | $452,942.42 |
46422 | Black Gold Holdings LLC | $38,117.67 |
46423 | C Stoddard & Sons Inc. | $2,300.00 |
46426 | Capital One Bank | $59,617.70 |
46427 | Carpenter Gravel Inc | $433.23 |
46428 | Consumers Energy | $2,446.00 |
46429 | Culligan Water Conditioning | $63.25 |
46430 | D & K Truck Company | $2,051.64 |
46431 | Floyd’s Electric Service Inc | $325.00 |
46432 | Granger | $173.88 |
46433 | Great Lakes Cleaning Systems | $597.45 |
46434 | J & H Oil Company | $3,219.04 |
46435 | Kimball Midwest | $852.30 |
46436 | Lakeland Asphalt Corp | $35,414.40 |
46437 | Leaping Lizards | $600.00 |
46438 | Lincoln National Life Ins | $446.02 |
46439 | M & K Quality Truck Center | $49.29 |
46440 | Michigan Pavement Markings LLC | $51,402.53 |
46441 | Rohr Gasoline Equipment, Inc. | $2,957.50 |
46442 | Site Precision, Inc. | $1,415.00 |
46443 | SME Inc. | $2,144.13 |
46444 | SMRC – Finance & HR Assoc. | $20.00 |
46445 | State of Michigan | $750.00 |
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46446 | The Huntington National Bank | $541,250.00 |
46447 | The Reminder | $385.74 |
46448 | Tractor Supply Company | $1,511.72 |
46449 | UniFirst Corporation | $396.16 |
46450 | Van Manen Oil Company Inc. | $29,196.20 |
46451 | West Michigan International | $2,955.89 |
Sub-Total | $1,234,401.05 | |
7/31/2024 | ||
46452 | Advantage Plumbing & Drain LLC | $1,363.50 |
46453 | Arcadia Chemical, Inc. | $2,079.94 |
46454 | Barbara Sue Hanneman | $400.00 |
46455 | Bert Keeler | $380.00 |
46456 | Bit Mat Products of Indiana | $579,692.50 |
46457 | Brandy Casey | $80.00 |
46458 | Brian Donnini | $252.33 |
46459 | C2 Excavating, LLC | $102,500.00 |
46461 | Capital One Bank | $26,451.61 |
46462 | Catherine Slocum | $276.28 |
46463 | Charles Benedict | $552.54 |
46464 | Chris BeBeau | $80.00 |
46465 | Complete Auto Glass | $125.00 |
46466 | Consumers Energy | $311.05 |
46467 | Corewell Health Occupational | $183.00 |
46468 | D & K Truck Company | $1,039.78 |
46469 | Dana Kilmer | $298.90 |
46470 | David Liddell | $80.00 |
46471 | Delta Dental | $52.52 |
46472 | Detroit Salt Company LLC | $60,608.21 |
46473 | Dylan Kennedy | $80.00 |
46474 | Frontline Maintenance & Serv. | $20,950.50 |
46475 | Gary Vandecar | $604.71 |
46476 | Hastings Ace Hardware | $37.98 |
46477 | Jake Welch | $80.00 |
46478 | John Deere Financial | $285.12 |
46479 | Kendall Pranshka | $276.28 |
46480 | Kimball Midwest | $641.04 |
46481 | Lakeland Asphalt Corp | $143,538.84 |
46482 | Larry Maupin | $552.54 |
46483 | LJ Fluid Power Inc | $552.00 |
46484 | Mark Weeks | $340.00 |
46485 | Mika, Meyers, Beckett & Jones | $513.00 |
46486 | Miller Financial Services LLC | $3,000.00 |
46487 | Mugen Construction, Inc. | $53,831.70 |
46488 | Patricia Wolf | $276.28 |
46489 | Priority Health | $18,920.26 |
46490 | Purity Cylinder Gases Inc | $195.14 |
46491 | Robert Nagel | $276.28 |
46492 | Scott Bond | $175.39 |
46493 | Scott Schantz Jr. | $80.00 |
46494 | Stephan Satterly | $155.00 |
46495 | Tom Chaffee | $24.33 |
46496 | UniFirst Corporation | $560.00 |
46497 | Unum | $472.50 |
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46498 | Wayne Roush | $276.28 |
46499 | West Michigan International | $6,176.75 |
Sub-Total | $1,029,679.08 | |
Total | $2,878,516.80 |
Jake Welch introduced the CRA Legislative Priorities for 2025 to the Board members for their review and requested any ideas or amendments be sent to him for further discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to adopt the updated BCRC Utility, R.O.W., and Driveway Permits Policy and place it in the policy book
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
CRASIF Ballot for Board of Trustee was discussed and voted on.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve Board minutes from the Algonquin Lake Lodge for paving work on Old Iroquois Trail Rd.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Jake Welch informed the Board of the upcoming CRA Commissioner’s Conference and the CRASIF Conference and asked who was attending.
Jake Welch discuss the plat vacation off of Long Pt Dr. in Prairieville Township on a private roadway. The Board agreed to have Jake Welch sign the plat vacation consent.
Jake Welch informed the Board of a ROW encroachment issue on 108th St regarding a berm, showed pictures to the Board and stated that he will be meeting with the landowner to try to remedy the situation prior to a removal order.
Motion was made by Commissioner James to approve the purchase of a new guardrail truck for the total of $78,392 through GM MiDeal including outfit of the truck bed.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion was made by Commissioners Fiala and seconded to authorize Chairman David Solmes and Accounting Manager Chris BeBeau to sign the Public Act 51, Section 18j, MCL 247.668j Annual Certification of Employee Related Conditions form and to check box B to show that we are in compliance.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 A.M.
________________________________ __________________________________
Secretary Chairman
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