Chairman Solmes called the regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission to order at the Road Commission’s Board Room at 7:30 A.M.
Members present: Solmes, Fiala, James, and Managing Director Jake Welch.
The agenda for November 19, 2024 was approved.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve the following consent items:
- Minutes of Previous Board Meeting and Closed Meeting – October 15, 2024
- Payroll
- Bills
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
10/24/24 Barry County Road Commission Payroll $140,058.17
11/7/24 Barry County Road Commission Payroll $134,100.41
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46754 | Advantage Plumbing & Drain LLC | $900.00 |
46755 | Alerus | $1,586.67 |
46756 | Behrens LTD | $424.00 |
46757 | Ben Byle | $63.59 |
46758 | Brian Heath | $667.83 |
46762 | Capital One Bank | $25,324.08 |
46763 | Consumers Energy | $270.44 |
46764 | Corewell Health Pennock | $1,755.00 |
46765 | Culligan Water Conditioning | $41.00 |
46766 | D & K Truck Company | $1,420.69 |
46767 | David Liddell | $562.95 |
46768 | Delta Dental | $52.52 |
46769 | Frontline Maintenance & Serv. | $26,122.25 |
46770 | Hall’s Septic | $190.00 |
46771 | Hanes GEO Components | $1,375.00 |
46772 | Hastings Ace Hardware | $573.92 |
46773 | Hillard Electric, LLC | $2,039.00 |
46774 | Isolved Benefit Services | $588.56 |
46775 | Jim Raulston | $150.00 |
46776 | Johnnie Stayton Jr. | $150.00 |
46777 | Kimball Midwest | $372.47 |
46778 | Lakeland Asphalt Corp | $1,682.56 |
46779 | Liana Vickery | $88.00 |
46780 | Lincoln National Life Ins | $602.28 |
46781 | Mike Hull | $328.53 |
46782 | Miller Financial Services LLC | $3,000.00 |
46783 | Parts and Service Financing | $4,023.84 |
46784 | Quadient Finance USA Inc | $500.00 |
46785 | Ridderman Oil | $24,432.67 |
46786 | Rob Garrett | $296.35 |
46787 | Rohr Gasoline Equipment, Inc. | $701.70 |
46788 | S & M Liquid Tirefill Inc | $11,501.75 |
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46789 | S.D.E., LLC | $225.00 |
46790 | Scott Swen | $65.62 |
46791 | Sean Satterly | $200.00 |
46792 | UniFirst Corporation | $565.28 |
Sub-Total | $112,843.55 | |
11/7/2024 | ||
46793 | Aaron Boeske | $684.08 |
46794 | Advantage Plumbing & Drain LLC | $1,515.00 |
46795 | Alerus | $1,221.57 |
46796 | Bert Keeler | $380.00 |
46797 | Bit Mat Products of Indiana | $920.00 |
46798 | Black Gold Holdings LLC | $589.26 |
46799 | Brandy Casey | $80.00 |
46800 | Brent Cisler | $824.31 |
46801 | Brian Donnini | $80.00 |
46804 | Capital One Bank | $17,299.29 |
46805 | Catherine Slocum | $276.28 |
46806 | Charles Benedict | $552.54 |
46807 | Chris BeBeau | $80.00 |
46808 | Chris BeBeau BCRC | $716.75 |
46809 | City Of Hastings | $758.94 |
46810 | Consumers Energy | $2,048.20 |
46811 | Corewell Health Occupational | $698.00 |
46812 | County Rd Association Self Ins | $1,764.00 |
46813 | D & K Truck Company | $2,314.48 |
46814 | David Liddell | $80.00 |
46815 | Dylan Kennedy | $80.00 |
46816 | Forklifts of Michigan | $226.44 |
46817 | Foster Swift Collins & Smith | $111.00 |
46818 | Frontline Maintenance & Serv. | $17,440.50 |
46819 | Gary Vandecar | $604.71 |
46820 | Hall’s Septic | $190.00 |
46821 | Hastings Ace Hardware | $104.53 |
46822 | Huizinga Rebuilding And Truck | $269.42 |
46823 | Jake Welch | $291.93 |
46824 | John Deere Financial | $10.62 |
46825 | Joshua McConnon | $140.07 |
46826 | Kendall Pranshka | $276.28 |
46827 | Key Cleaning Services, Inc. | $981.00 |
46828 | Kimball Midwest | $260.29 |
46829 | Lakeland Asphalt Corp | $2,018.56 |
46830 | Larry Maupin | $552.54 |
46831 | Leaping Lizards | $360.00 |
46832 | Mark Weeks | $340.00 |
46833 | Michigan Pavement Markings LLC | $143.57 |
46834 | Mike Hull | $140.45 |
46835 | Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc. | $453.00 |
46836 | Parts and Service Financing | $966.83 |
46837 | Patricia Wolf | $276.28 |
46838 | Priority Health | $19,168.50 |
46839 | Purity Cylinder Gases Inc | $108.44 |
46840 | Rex Ferris | $144.06 |
46841 | Rob Garrett | $132.44 |
Check Number | Vendor Name | Check Amount |
46842 | Robert Nagel | $276.28 |
46843 | Scott Bond | $143.54 |
46844 | Scott Civil Engineering Co | $430.00 |
46845 | Scott Schantz Jr. | $80.00 |
46846 | State Installation & Service | $138.00 |
46847 | State Of Michigan | $137.42 |
46848 | Thermo King Michigan Inc | $300.33 |
46849 | Tom Chaffee | $24.33 |
46850 | Truck & Trailer Specialties | $4,847.84 |
46851 | UniFirst Corporation | $399.00 |
46852 | US Hydraulics LLC | $3,700.00 |
46853 | Varipro Benefit Administrators | $251.95 |
46854 | Verizon | $1,219.40 |
46855 | View Newspaper Group | $39.00 |
46856 | Wayne Moore | $94.21 |
46857 | Wayne Roush | $276.28 |
Sub-Total | $91,031.74 | |
Total | $203,875.29 |
Managing Director Jake Welch told the Board that the bridge at Quaker Brook Lane over Quaker Brook has been approved for replacement on the 2027 Local Bridge Program. Estimated cost of $866,000.00. Mr. Welch spoke to the Board about the designs being drawn up for this Bridge. Mr. Welch would also like to have up to three other bridges designs drawn up and permitting in order to have “shovel ready” projects. This would allow the BCRC to act quickly if funding opportunities arise.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to have Scott Civil Engineering draw up designs on Quaker Brook Bridge and up to three other bridges. These three bridges would be at Management discretion.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Fiala, Solmes, & Dykstra
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Managing Director Jake Welch spoke to the Board about creating a comprehensive web-based app. This app would implement a system that would allow BCRC to operate efficiently with providing the employees the daily work schedule, capability to enter time card information, pre and post equipment inspection reports, and navigation systems to improve route efficiency and safety to name a few of the key features. At this time there is an app available by Samsara and is being used by Kalamazoo County but in speaking to Kalamazoo County we believe this app would not meet the needs that the BCRC have. The Engineering Department did research and contacted Nexus IQ in regards to creating an app to fit our needs. Nexus IQ was very responsive to creating an app with BCRC. The initial mock-up would cost $12,000. Nexus IQ would talk to the employees and create a format for the app. Nexus IQ would then come to a Board meeting to discuss their findings and discuss with the Board if BCRC would like to move forward on creating the app. The overall estimated cost for the app and the tablets for the trucks is $80,000 – $100,000. There would be an annual subscription fee also. The Board would like it stated in the contract that if other Road Commissions or businesses uses this Nexus IQ app that our annual subscription fees would be lower than the normal cost.
Motion was made by Commissioner James and seconded to approve Managing Director Jake Welch to sign a contract with Nexus IQ for $12,000.00 on an initial agreement to create an app mock-up and have Nexus IQ report back so BCRC can decide if we will move forward with this project.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion was made Commissioner Fiala and seconded to accept extending the 2024 Pavement Marking bid from Michigan Pavement Markings for 2025 at the cost listed in their letter.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Fiala, Solmes, & Dykstra
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Michigan Pavement Markings LLC would like to renew the pavement marking contract with your Road Commission for the 2025 season. We will be happy to honor the same unit prices from the 2024 season. Thank you for the work you have awarded us in the past. It was greatly appreciated. I hope we can keep a good working relationship for the future. These prices will be extended through the 2025 season.
4” White .053/lft 4” Yellow . .056/lft
12” Crosswalk 1.00/lft 24” Stop Bar . 1.25/lft
Left Arrow $30/ea Right Arrow $30/ea
Thru Arrow $25/ea Combo Arrow $45/ea
ONLY Symbol $30/ea SCHOOL Symbol $70/ea
STOP AHEAD $100/ea Removal $1/lft
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded authorizing Chris BeBeau, Accounting Manager, to sign the engagement letter from Gabridge & Company for the 2024 Financial Audit not to exceed $16,100 pending approval from the County Board of Commissioners.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
The Board discussed the New Officials Meet & Greet meeting and presentation that will be held December 4, 2024.
Managing Director Jake Welch presented to the Board the Crack Sealing comparison between WR Meadows 1190 and Crafco 34250 crack blocks. The WR Meadows 1190 crack blocks are $.054/lb and the Crafco 34250 are $0.65/lb. We tested these two products on Whitneyville Road in 2022 and then inspected the road in 2023 and 2024. WR Meadows cracked through the seal and no longer effectively sealed the cracks from the elements. It is recommended to continue using the Crafco 34250 crack blocks.
It was reported to the Board that the Barry County Board of Commissioners raised the Road Commissioners pay to start in 2025 to $5,000/year. There had not been a raise in salary since 1996.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to authorize Jake Welch to execute documents with Consumers Energy for the option to purchase land at the Anders property. Consumers Energy to pay $5,000.00 for this option.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Managing Director Jake Welch reported to the Board a follow-up report on our Instagram account. We have 116 followers and BCRC posted 86 times. Since our Instagram has been linked to our Facebook account and takes minimal additional work it was decided at this time to continue with the Instagram account.
2025 Strategic Planning Goals were discussed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to set the Strategic Planning Goals for 2025 to be #1 Facilities and Mineral Pits and #2 Bridges and Culverts.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to adopt the updated Barry CRC Performance Evaluation for the Managing Director form.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve and sign the employment contract with Managing Director, Jake Welch, effectively extending his current contract through the end of 2027.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve the Road User Agreement for a Solar Farm in Johnstown Township.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 9:14 A.M.
________________________________ __________________________________
Secretary Chairman
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